Looking for Marlene…..

Sunday was International Women’s Day …..somewhat a bit delayed I know but I decided today was my time to ‘pay my respects’ to the very special lady whom I admire and has probably had the most influence upon me!
So I set off to Städtischer Friedhof III … Stopping off briefly to arm myself with plants and flowers, one dare not turn up empty handed!

I had arrived and was to head for “34”… As soon as I entered the cemetery I could feel myself get emotional before I’d even found it! It was like I was going to see a dearly departed relative or friend, that did catch me unawares….I had not counted on being emotional!
Then there she was……and I found myself talking away to her …thankfully the cemetery was mostly deserted otherwise the men in white coats may have been summoned! I presented to her obviously my tokens of appreciation! Nothing too fancy as I know she did not like that sort of thing!

I was fascinated with the whole place and there was a beautiful tranquility surrounding it all, I am just so very pleased that Marlene was finally resting in peace in Berlin. Of course you could not be in a place like this without also coming across Berlin’s history; trail of war….the first

And then the second…

But it was a beautiful sunny day and I was not going to dwell in melancholia so it was now off to where it all began in 1901 ….

Marlene was born in Lebenstraße, still a very beautiful area and you soon knew you was in the right place!….

With some further walking along in the sunshine I finally completed my pilgrimage at…

I feel very contented now I have done my Marlene homage, I have finally gotten to see her final resting place …one cannot be in Berlin without visiting her Queen!

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